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And the best Summer camp movie is…

June 21, 2010


Can’t go wrong with The Mighty Ducks at fat camp. Good times and good voting, homeys!

Meatballs: 5 votes
Camp Nowhere:  1 vote (what ever happened to Christopher Lloyd?)
Heavy Weights: 11 votes (hello, third grade flashbacks)
Wet Hot American Summer: 6 votes (would have been my vote)
The Parent Trap (either one, even though Summer camp plays a much larger role in the original according to my good buddy Fred: 5 votes
Friday the 13th: 6 votes (home to the stupidest and horniest camp counselors of all-time)
– Other: 1 vote for Daddy Day Camp (guess someone saw that), 1 vote for Addams Family Values (well played, Cousin It), 2 votes for Little Darlings, and 1 vote for “NOT Wet Hot American Summer. Overrated p.o.s.” (ouch)

Remember when Summer was awesome and we didn’t have to work from July ’til September? Yeah, I’m trying not to think about it either.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. June 21, 2010 1:52 pm

    I thought Wet Hot American Summer would take it.

  2. June 21, 2010 2:17 pm

    I thought “Meatballs” would win ! I’ve got to tell myself
    “It Just Doesn’t Matter! It Just Doesn’t Matter!” LOL !!!

  3. June 21, 2010 2:41 pm

    Oh…not having to work from July to September – bliss! That was a time when Candyman lived in my garage, and the American werewolf stalked the nearby moors. Good times!!

  4. June 21, 2010 3:24 pm

    Who else (but me) voted for ‘Little Darlings’?! I want to know who that awesome person is! 😉

  5. June 21, 2010 5:42 pm

    After recently revisiting Heavyweights it’s easy to see what a great young talent that Apatow was. His conglomeration on media should be no surprise to anyone after seeing this movie.

    • June 22, 2010 8:05 am

      Had no idea that Apatow wrote that until your comment. Very interesting, really want to re-visit that now. And thanks for visiting, man.

  6. June 22, 2010 4:23 pm

    No love for “Meatballs”??? It is a sad day, indeed….

Drop that knowledge!